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Russian Language and Literature Teachers Visit Grozny

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Russian Language and Literature Teachers Visit Grozny


Фото: © ИА «Грозный-информ»
The All-Russian Forum of Russian language and literature has started its work in Grozny today, on 26 April, IA Grozny-Inform reports. Among the participants are teachers of Russian language and literature, Russian language scientists and linguists, employees of the leading Russian publishing houses, represenatives of authorities, and many more. Altogether, the participants represent 20 regions of Russia.

The forum has several areas of work. The specialists will be discussing a concept of teaching Russian language and literature, new and interesting approaches to improng the system of the philological education in Russia. Among other questions: promotion of reading and teaching Russian to the bilingual children.  

The forum’s program includes various workshops and round tables to discuss the most important issues.

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