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"War and Peace" to Be Read Live over Four Days

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"War and Peace" to Be Read Live over Four Days


The "War and Peace: Communal Reading" project will take place in early December, reports TASS. The reading will be broadcast by the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. The project will see the entire of Lev Tolstoy's War and Peace read live on air. The reading will be broadcast on several television channels, on the radio and online.

The organisers said they plan to read the novel from beginning to end. Each day will be given to one tome, making a total of four days for the project, which is being held as part of the 2015 Year of Literature.

Extracts will be read by famous actors and staff from Russian television and radio networks. Other celebrities from the spheres of charity, sport and science will also be invited to read. Other slots have been left open for any members of the reading public who submit applications and successfully pass an audition.

The organisers hope to attract more than 1000 participants into the project.

Readings will be held across the country and in many different time zones. The readings will be take place in theatres, museums and historical and cultural heritage sites.

As reported by the information service of the Russkiy Mir Foundation, a related online project, "Chekhov is Alive!", recently broadcast readings of the great genius of Russian prose and drama by more than 700 theatre actors around the world.

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