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Svetlana Smetanina Interdom in Ivanovo, the 1930s. Photo credit: The Ivanovo International Children's Home (Interdom) celebrates its 90th anniversary in 2023. It was once very accurately called the "Global Barometer", as children from war-torn countries were brought there. Thousands of foster children from 80 countries have lived there since Interdom began its operation. Sofia Kuznetsova, head of the Interdom School Museum, shared about the unique project, which continues and develops today. – In 2023, The Ivanovo International Children's Home...

Rubric: Interview
Subject: Общество

Parishioners of the Church of the Resurrection in Rabat. Photo: Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church in Rabat, Morocco turned 90 years old. The church is unique because it is the oldest Russian church open not only in Morocco but also in Africa. Archpriest Maxim Massalitin spoke with Ruskiy Mir about his parish, how the church was built, how it was doing for all those 90 years, and how it has changed after a major restoration in the last decade. Temporary and permanent temples - Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church in Rabat is considered the oldest Russian Orthodox church in...

Rubric: Interview
Subject: Diaspora

Anna Efremova Everyone who studied in the USSR and Russia probably remembers Vasily Surikov's paintings. Such canonical illustrations in schoolbooks as "The Morning of the Streltsy Execution", "Menshikov in Berezov", "Boyarina Morozova", "March of Suvorov through the Alps", as well as "Taking a Snow Town", "Conquest of Siberia by Yermak", "Stepan Razin" are all his artworks. He was probably the most prominent painter of the historical genre in Russia, and he alone made up the entire epoch in the development of Russian painting. The...

Rubric: Articles
Subject: History

Anna Efremova Sergei Eisenstein. Photo credit: Sergei Eisenstein used to say that his artistic talent was awakened by the revolution. Had it not been for the tremendous turnover in Russia's life in October 1917, he would have followed in his father's footsteps and become an engineer and architect. Nevertheless, the vortex of the revolution brought him above all the freedom of self-identification. He used his talent to find ways to reach the audience through art. He succeeded beyond all expectations. His The Battleship Potemkin was acknowledged as the greatest film ever made. ...

Rubric: Articles
Subject: History

Anna Efremova Once Stanislavski said, "Theatre begins at the cloakroom," thereby elevating the standards of theatrical art to an incredible level. He was firmly convinced that no minor detail should be seen as unimportant. The Moscow Academic Art Theater established by him emerged as an innovator in the theatricals. Almost all the Hollywood stars were trained according to the Method acting also known as Stanislavski's system. Talented Entrepreneur Konstantin Alekseyev (Stanislavski was his stage name) was born to the family of Sergei Alekseyev, a major Moscow manufacturer and captain of the Moscow...

Rubric: Articles
Subject: Culture

Elena Khruleva Ukrainian Orthodox Church On 1 December, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced a decision of the National Security and Defense Council to take measures against the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. It refers to the adoption of legislation on the prohibition of religious organizations affiliated with Russia to operate in Ukraine. This bill would directly infringe on the rights of Ukrainian believers. This initiative is not the first attempt of this kind. In 2022, there were several relevant draft laws brought to the Verkhovna Rada. They were aimed at prohibiting the...

Rubric: Articles
Subject: Religion


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Photo credit: (CC BY 4.0) Orthodox Epiphany was celebrated in Russia and abroad. The holiday and its tradition of diving in blessed water united Russians and residents of many countries around the world. Queues lined up at the illuminated Epiphany... .
Photo credit: (CC BY 4.0) Holocaust Remembrance Week started in Russia on Thursday, January, 18, RIA Novosti reports. It is being held for the 10th time. The organizer is the Russian Jewish Congress (RJC). It is planned that commemorative events will cover almost... .
The course of Russian as a foreign language, created by the Mir Society of Russian Compatriots with the support of the Russian World Foundation, came to an end in Kragujevac, Serbia. The course participants included high school and university students, as well... .