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From the Editor – The following text is the impression that a left-leaning journalist and political analyst gained from a recent conference on “The October Revolution of 1917: The Main Event of the 20th Century?” It is, perhaps, impossible to find a definite answer to this question, or to the many other questions concerning the October Revolution. But one can be certain that the search for such answers is an important task for the Russian world. It is important in terms of understanding who we are, what has happened to us and, perhaps, what will happen. People really want to forget this holiday and have repeatedly tried to...

Rubric: Articles
Subject: History

On November 1, 1905, Nicholas II wrote the following entry in his diary: “I was very busy the whole morning. Breakfast with Prince Orlov and Resin. Went for a walk. At 4 pm, went to Sergievka. Drank tea with Milica and Stana. Met with a man of God – Grigory from the Tobolsk gubernia. That evening I managed a lot and spent the evening with Alix.” The circumstances of this fateful meeting are well known. The heir to the throne, Prince Alexei, had once again fallen ill and the doctors were unable to do anything. Montenegrin Princess Milica, wife of Grand Duke Peter Nikolaevich, then offered to call an elder who had the...

Rubric: Articles
Subject: History

On November 9, on the eve of the EU-Russia Summit planned for November 18, the Third European Russian Forum took place in Brussels, which was devoted to the topic: “United Europe from the Atlantic to the Pacific: Dreams or a Possibility?” The forum, which was organized on the initiative of Tatiana Zhdanok, a Latvian member of the European Parliament, was held with the support of the Russkiy Mir Foundation, the Green Parties/European Free Alliance and the Moscow city government. Participants in the meeting included political scientists and public figures from Russia and Europe, members of the European Parliament and...

Rubric: Interview
Subject: Politics

Mass repatriation was generally completed in the first six months after the end of the Great Patriotic War. By March 1946, 4,199,448 people had returned to the Soviet Union. According to popular belief, almost all of them went straight to the Gulag. Varlam Shalamov in “The Final Battle of Major Pugachoff” wrote: “... ship after ship were repatriated – from Italy, France and Germany – along a direct road to the extreme northeast.” It is hardly necessary to explain that there was no direct communication between Europe and the far northeast (i.e., Kolyma) – not after the war, nor at any other time....

Rubric: Articles
Subject: History

From the Editor: With Stanislav Kuvaldin’s article, we continue our discussion of the assessments of the Crimean War presented by Evgeny Levin and Mikhail Bykov in their respective articles. The recommendations made in the title of this article are part of a well-known epitaph on the common grave of Russian and French soldiers who died during the storming of Malakhov Hill. Unis pour la victoire, Reunis par la mort. Du soldat-c'est la gloire, Des braves c'est le sort. Which in English would be translated as: Coming together for victory, United by the grave. In this, the soldier’s glory, And the fate of the brave. These...

Rubric: Articles
Subject: History

Sixty-five years ago systematic work began in the Soviet Union on the return home of Soviet citizens who ended up in Germany and the occupied countries as a result of the war. In a sense, the history of postwar repatriation is one of the most important subjects still influencing the understanding and interpretation of the relationship between man and country throughout the entire Russian world. However, we can talk not only about the history but about the myths associated with it, because for many years due to various reasons (primarily ideological), repatriation remained one of the blank spots in the national historiography. Even today,...

Rubric: Articles
Subject: History


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Photo credit: (CC BY 4.0) Orthodox Epiphany was celebrated in Russia and abroad. The holiday and its tradition of diving in blessed water united Russians and residents of many countries around the world. Queues lined up at the illuminated Epiphany... .
Photo credit: (CC BY 4.0) Holocaust Remembrance Week started in Russia on Thursday, January, 18, RIA Novosti reports. It is being held for the 10th time. The organizer is the Russian Jewish Congress (RJC). It is planned that commemorative events will cover almost... .
The course of Russian as a foreign language, created by the Mir Society of Russian Compatriots with the support of the Russian World Foundation, came to an end in Kragujevac, Serbia. The course participants included high school and university students, as well... .