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Eugene Onegin performed in Washington National Opera

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Eugene Onegin performed in Washington National Opera



Washington National Opera opens Russian classical music operas event for the first time, The Culture TV Channel informs. The Russian opera series start with Eugene Onegin by Pyotr Tchaikovsky. Classical opera is going to be staged in historical costumes. 

The last staging Eugene Onegin took place in the end of 1980s in Washington. The Maid of Orleans by Pyotr Tchaikovsky was the last Russian opera staged by this theater in 2005. Washington opera performs at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Many famous artistic directors were working with this theater. From 1996 to 2011 Placido Domingo was heading the  Washington opera. The current director is Francesca Zambello. 

As Russkiy Mir informed earlier one of Washington Theaters staged Bulgakov's Master and Margarita.

Russkiy Mir 

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