Marco Maggi: ”Russian to the Bone" 20.01.2024
Italian entrepreneur Marco Maggi's book, "Russian to the Bone," is now accessible for purchase in Italy and is scheduled for release in Russia in the upcoming months. In the book, Marco recounts his personal odyssey, narrating each stage of his life as a foreigner in Russia—starting from the initial fascination to the process of cultural assimilation, venturing into business, fostering authentic friendships, and ultimately, reaching a deep sense of identifying as a Russian at his very core. Russian-style ball held in Chile to celebrate Old New Year
/ Главная / Russkiy Mir Foundation / News / Russian-style ball held in Chile to celebrate Old New YearRussian-style ball held in Chile to celebrate Old New Year
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In Chile, Russian compatriots held a ball in the Russian style, timed to coincide with the Old New Year. The event was organized by the Coordinating Council of Organizations of Russian Compatriots of Chile with the support of the Russian House, the telegram channel of the Moscow House of Compatriots reports.
Participants of the New Year's Eve dressed in festive outfits and danced historical dances - waltz and polonaise - to classical music. The event was attended by compatriots of different ages - from children and youth to older participants.
The Big Historical Ball in honor of the Old New year was held in the Roman palace of Brancaccio. The large-scale event took place for the 11th time, this time the ball was timed to coincide with the 150th anniversary of the great Russian composer Sergei Rachmaninov. The event was organized by the Eventi Roma company with the participation of the Friends of Great Russia cultural association and the national historical dance company UNESCO.
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