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Buddhists celebrate Lunar New Year

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Buddhists celebrate Lunar New Year


Photo credit: xiaochi1989 /

Lunar New Year is celebrated by Buddhists in Russia, TASS reports. The holiday started on the night of February 2. This day is declared a national holiday in Tuva, Buryatia, Transbaikalia. 

The traditional prayer service at the Tsechenling Temple was broadcasted live. In Buryatia, a festive concert in honor of Sagaalgan (the Buryat name for the holiday) had to be cancelled. Lamas urge all rituals to be carried out at home.  Parishioners are not allowed into datsans in the Trans-Baikal Territory.

A festival of folk games is planned in the Irkutsk region. Its participants will compete in Buryat archery and traditional dice. It will be followed by a festival of Buryat culture. Guests will be taught how to cook the traditional buuz treat and perform the national dance - Yohor.

Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated Buddhists on the holiday. In his opinion, this holiday gives people joy, kindness, faith and hope.

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