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Russian citizenship to be easier to obtain for compatriots and qualified specialists

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Russian citizenship to be easier to obtain for compatriots and qualified specialists


Photo: Government of Russia

Russian Government approved a plan for the implementation of the first stage of Concept of State Migration Policy for 2019-2025. The document is published on the website of the Government of Russia. The items on simplification of Russian citizenship provision for highly qualified specialists and graduates of state universities of Russia became the most important. 

Parlamentskaya Gazeta notes that Russian President Vladimir Putin supported the abolition of Russian language examinations for compatriots from Ukraine and Belarus, and approved the simplification of obtaining a residence permit and Russian citizenship by highly qualified people from these countries. 

According to the document, people, who "have the competence demanded by the economy” are called highly qualified personnel. The simplified procedure for obtaining citizenship will also benefit foreigners who have graduated from Russian universities, but not all of them. According to the concept of migration policy, holders of diplomas of state universities, which work under educational programs that have received state accreditation, will receive preferences. 

Changes will also affect the resettlement mechanism within the framework of the state program for assisting the voluntary resettlement to Russia of compatriots living abroad. In particular, terms of temporary stay in Russia and terms of migration registration will be extended. 

The requirements for the level of proficiency in Russian, as well as knowledge in field of history and legislation of the country will also be subject to adjustment. Requirements will be unified. According to the document, cooperation with foreign public organizations that hold events to popularize Russian language and culture will be improved. 

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