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Russia Voices Concerns about Destruction of Evidence on Boeing Crash

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Russia Voices Concerns about Destruction of Evidence on Boeing Crash


Russia fears that Kiev seeks to destroy evidence of Ukraine’s role in the crash of Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 plane, Russian permanent representative to the U.N. Vitaly Churkin said on Wednesday, July 30, ITAR-TASS reports. He said Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko had ordered a ceasefire within a radius of 40 kilometres of the MH17 jet crash.

“However, the order was broken. Ukrainian officials set a new task - to mop up the area from militiamen and take the territory under control,” he said. Such actions “violate U.N. Security Council Resolution 2136 and are fraught with the disastrous consequences for an impartial investigation of the tragedy”, Churkin said.

On July 28, the Russian delegation urged members of the U.N. Security Council to adopt “a statement for the press calling for a full, thorough and international investigation”. “However, Russia’s proposed was blocked by certain U.N. Security Council members, who are against the implementation of Resolution 2166,” he said.

Russkiy Mir Foundation Information Service

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