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Unique mineral discovered in Yakutia

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Unique mineral discovered in Yakutia


Scientists from Saint Petersburg have discovered a unique mineral, RIA Novosti reports. Excavating Batagay settlement near Kester Mountain, the scientists found a batagayet – a mineral having no analogues either in nature or at labs.

According to geologists, at present, without any additional research, it is hard to say if the mineral is useful at any of the practical fields. At the same time, additional research is hard to conduct, as the quantity of substance is very small. Saint Petersburg State University could try to synthesize the batagayet.

Now it is clear already that the mineral has unusual crystal structure consisting of two modules. Its hardness reminds marble and its composition contains phosphorus, silicium, zinc and some other metals. Batagayet grows on surface of native copper in thin and fragile plates of feeble blue hint.

First patterns of batagayet were found at the end of 1980ies; however, than scientists did not suspect that they made a unique discovery. The equipment of that period did not allow conducting necessary research.

Russkiy Mir 

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