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In issue


Latinization for the Sake of Disruption

Lada Klokova Supplemental Education – An Additional Resource

Anna Loshchikhina Friendship in the Language of Sanctions

Irina Lukyanova A Russian among the Pre-Russians

Lada Klokova, Anna Loshchikhina Challenges of a New Era

Lada Klokova No One Is Indifferent

Vasily Golovanov The Sanctions War through the Lens of Big Politics

Father Konstantin Kravtsov “I was saved by love and sincerity”

Mikhail Bykov A Tsarist Affair

Lyubov Rumyantseva A Chest Full of Treasures

Mikhail Tarkovsky A Nature Preserve of the Spirit

Mikhail Bykov Crimean Heritage

Mikhail Glinka On the Way to Valdai

Vasily Golovanov Moscow – Volga: A Canal Traveling through Time – The Poshekhonye Side

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