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Pushkin's portrait sculpture opened in Damascus

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Pushkin's portrait sculpture opened in Damascus



A portrait sculpture to Russian poet Alexander Pushkin has been installed in the Syrian capital, RIA Novosti reports. The monument to the great poet appeared in Sava school. The solemn opening ceremony was timed to the celebration of the 220th anniversary of the poet.

According to the co-chairman of the Writers' Union of Russia Sergey Kotskalo, people's diplomacy enters the Middle Eastern countries through schools. He is sure that the beginnings of everything are laid precisely in childhood. The writer noted that it was decided to install Pushkin’s busts in different countries twenty years ago. The late nineties era was a very difficult period for Russia but the idea of ​​promoting Russian culture through one of the greatest representatives of Russian literature caught on and began to be realized. The first monument was erected in Eritrea. It is believed that the poet's ancestor Abram Hannibal was born on the territory of this modern state.

Today, monuments to the classic of Russian poetry have appeared in Iraq, Egypt and other countries. The Union of war veterans in Syria and the Crimean University helped with the installation of the monument. The large delegation from the Crimea participated in the opening ceremony.

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